Our sponsorship of Hearing Dogs for Deaf People during 2017 has come to an end. With your help we raised a total of £2115 and hopefully raised their profile with those who were unaware of their wonderful work. It is always sad when our sponsorship comes to and end so we have sponsored a puppy called 'Libby' and we will follow her throughout 2018.
This year we have chosen the very worthy Cinnamon Trust as our charity. The charity is the only specialist national charity for people in their last years and their much loved, much needed companion animals.
A network of 15,000 volunteers “hold hands” with owners to provide vital loving care for their pets. They keep them together - for example, they will:
- Walk a dog every day for a housebound owner
- Foster pets when owners need hospital care
- Fetch the cat food, or even clean out the bird cage, etc.
When staying at home is no longer an option, their Pet Friendly Care Home Register lists care homes and retirement housing are happy to accept residents with pets, and providing previous arrangements have been made with them, they will take on life time care of a bereaved pet
The Cinnamon Trust currently does not have volunteer walkers and helpers in the Wiltshire area. Please join their Facebook Page to follow their appeals for help and contact them via their website if you would like to register as a volunteer helper/walker/carer.