We advise that female dogs are spayed approximately midway between seasons, and bitches can also be spayed before their first season. Please ask our vets for more information.
We offer the 'conventional' surgical spay for female dogs, and also Laparoscopic Spays which are spays performed using Keyhole Surgery.
What Is Laparoscopic or Keyhole Surgery Spay?
Vets operate using three small 'keyhole' incisions, a special camera and surgical instruments to enable the procedure to be performed with the minimal amount of surgical intervention. Following a 'Lap' spay, the patient is left with three small wounds instead of a larger abdominal wound.
The Advantages of Keyhole Surgery Spays (or 'Lap Spays') in Female Dogs
- Keyhole surgery is generally a safer and less invasive method of surgery
- It reduces the trauma caused to tissues
- Pain post-operatively is lower
- Recovery times are quicker
- As the surgical wounds are much smaller, the problems associated with wound licking and the chewing of stitches is significantly reduced.
Our vets are specially trained in this procedure by Tim Charlesworth MA VetMB DSAS(ST) MRCVS RCVS Recognised Specialist in Small Animal Surgery (Soft Tissue). Tim is our Head of Soft Tissue Surgery and not only provides training for our vets, but also vets from around the UK. Tim also sees difficult cases that are referred to him by other vets. So your pet will be in very safe, caring and experienced hands.
Our neutering prices are: £270 - £320 (£150 for lap surgery surcharge)
Book an appointment online today!
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The Procedure for Female Dogs Coming in to Be Neutered (Spayed)
Please note that our prices are specific to the level and standard of care that we provide at Eastcott Vets, they cannot be used as a like-for-like comparison with other vets, as our procedures will not be the same. The procedure detailed below is unique to Eastcott Vets. Not all vets will provide the same level of care.
Having a dog spayed is a major surgical procedure. It can be a worrying time for owners so we have detailed below how we will care for your dog during her stay with us. We not only ensure that she is happy, calm, relaxed and well cared for during her stay, but we also ensure the very best of professional care and expertise, from admission though to anaesthesia, surgery, recovery, discharge and post-operatively. If you have any questions regarding getting your dog spayed or the advantages of Laparoscopic Spays, please contact us on 01793 528341 or
On Admission
- Your pet will receive pre-op checks, after which she will be given a pre-med injection. This pre-med will help her to feel calm, reducing the amount of anaesthetic we need to use. It ensures a gentle recovery from the anaesthetic and contains morphine-based pain relief
- She will then be settled into our dog ward where we have Pet Remedy and Adaptil plug-ins, which diffuse calming scents to help keep patients relaxed and stress-free
- Each patient has an intravenous cannula placed (usually) in the vein in the front leg. This allows us direct access for drugs and fluid, before, during, and after surgery.
Anaesthesia & Surgery
- The anaesthetic is administered in our quiet secluded induction room. Once the hair is clipped from the belly and the area is 'scrubbed up', patients are wheeled to our operating theatres. We have dedicated theatres with very high standards of sterility. Surgical scrubs, shoes, gloves, masks and hats are worn by all staff in theatres. Additionally, the surgeon wears a sterile gown and gloves
- Specialist medical 'Bair hugger' warming blankets are used to keep patients warm during the procedure - other warming devices can risk harming anaesthetised patients
- Trained nurses monitor and record blood pressure, ECG, oxygen levels and temperature throughout the anaesthetic
- Intravenous fluid therapy is given during all anaesthetics to help support circulation and blood pressure
- Pain relief is given before and after surgery.
During Recovery
- We have dedicated recovery kennels where patients are monitored during recovery until they are able to fully support their head and their temperature is normal - this can be the most critical part of any procedure that involves an anaesthetic
- We have a purpose built oxygen kennel if additional support is required
- A light meal is offered on recovery.
After Surgery
- A nurse will discharge your dog and explain how best to care for her from that evening until the wound is fully healed
- Pain relief is provided to ensure that your dog is kept comfortable
- Your pet will come back for a free check up 3-5 days after surgery
- If skin stitches are present, then they will be removed at a free check 10-14 days after the operation.
Find a neutering appointment for your pet online below!