Eastcott Vets' Dog Grooming Tips
It is always best to start grooming your dog at an early age to get them used to handling. If your dog is a breed that needs clipping, getting them used to the sound of clippers and dryers is also important. It is also a good idea to get your dog used to having their tail, ears and feet touched as it will make grooming and examinations at the vets much less stressful.
Regular grooming not only keeps the coat in good condition, but also allows you to give your dog a regular general examination. This is when you might spot parasites, injuries, skin and ear infections, lumps and bumps and changes in body condition. Grooming is a great way to bond with your pet and should be something that your dog enjoys.
For dogs that are new to visiting a groomers, it may take time for them to adapt to the new smells, noises and surroundings. In these instances a ‘little and often’ approach may help. The groomer can gently get a dog used to them and the equipment they use over a few shorter visits. This will ensure that the dog sees grooming as a positive experience and something that they look forward to.
There are 5 main coat types
1: Short/Smooth e.g. Boxer, Labrador & Weimaraner
These coats are quite low maintenance.
Suitable brushes for these coats are rubber mitten/glove, rake and Zoom Groom.
2: Wool e.g. Bichon Frise & Poodle
These dogs can be ‘none moulting’ breeds. Their coats can be high maintenance in terms of grooming, bathing and clipping.
We recommend a small slicker brush and Greyhound comb.
3: Wire e.g. Border Terrier, West Highland White Terrier and most terrier types with some exceptions e.g. Kerry Blue
This coat type can be high maintenance in terms of grooming, bathing and clipping or pulling.
You can use a slicker brush, Greyhound comb, Zoom Groom or Furminator.
4: Silky and Long e.g. Spaniels and Setters
This coat type is generally medium maintenance depending on coat length and walking habits.
You can use a slicker brush, pin brush, greyhound comb, Zoom Groom or Furminator.
5: Double/Dense e.g. Collie, Retriever, Shih Tzu, Old English Sheepdog and Labradoodles
This coat type is medium to high maintenance.
You can use a slicker brush, pin brush, Greyhound comb, Zoom Groom or Furminator
Examples of Brushes and Combs
- Furminator
- Greyhound Comb
- Grooming Glove/Mitt
- Pin Brush
- Slicker Brush
- Zoom Groom
Always take care when using any brush or comb to avoid any skin damage or burns.
How often should a dog visit the groomers?
Of course this will vary according to the type of coat, how often the owner grooms the dog and to a degree, a dog’s walking habits. In order to maintain a good coat length and condition, every 12 weeks should be sufficient.
How often should a dog be bathed?
If you wish to bathe your dog you should not need to do so more than every 2 weeks. Some breeds or dogs that mud wallow may require bathing more frequently. Bathing too often may strip some of the coat’s natural oils.