Once again, we’re teaming up with Pet Blood Bank to provide a centre for them to perform regular blood donation sessions. Join us for our next session with Pet Blood Bank on Sunday 21st March.
You do not need to be a registered client of Eastcott Vets for your dog to be able to help other patients. Your dog’s donation could provide lifesaving blood transfusions for other dogs across the country. We couldn’t do this without you and your furry friend’s help! Every unit of blood that your dog donates, can help save the lives of up to four other dogs around the UK.
To be a blood donor, your dog must be:
- Fit and healthy
- Between 1 – 8 years old
- Weigh more than 25kg
- Have a good temperament
- Have never travelled abroad
- Be vaccinated
- Not on any medication
If your dog meets these criteria, and you would like to help save the lives of other dogs, then please sign up via the website www.petbloodbankuk.org or call 01509 232 222 for more information.